Either The Telegraph is playing devil's advocate to get the discussions going, or we have a severe journalistic deficiency riding on the back of our dumbed down Edjookayshun System.
"Labour's legacy may not be quite as poisonous as predicted, says Jeremy Warner. "
Did you actually write this with a straight face?? We shouldn't even be talking about a "recovery" especially as the "Great Gordo" eliminate3d "Boom and Bust". The recovery if it happens will take YEARS and millions of us will be clearing up Labour's crap and paying for it in raised taxes, trashed pensions, appalling savings rates and the inevitable inflation caused by raised import costs.
Just because Google has made a lot of money out of nothing and the DOW is up does not reflect the fact that we are producing nothing but hollow promises, hedge funds and moonbeams.
For God's sakes, the whole country has been conned and fleeced by that charlatan Blair and always in the background like a bad smell, moral compass swivelling wildly, Gordon Brown, the most useless, dangerous and dysfunctional man ever to allowed near the levers of power and who flogged off our Gold Reserves at carboot-sale prices and stpole over £100 BILLION from our pension funds. Meanwhile, in the shadows, the unelected and odious Mandelson is pulling the strings for the unaccountable and contemptuous-of-democracy, EU illuminati.
Between Brown and the bunch of jealous, purse-lipped student union Trots such as Harman, Straw, Hain, Balls, Cooper, they have achieved their aim, to destroy what they hate most in this world, the United Kingdom, and ENGLAND n particular, as it stood in the way of their vile and distorted "international".
Everything that "New" Fascist Labour has touched has been corrupted in its image. The country is no longer a free democracy, it is a Puritanical CCTV, Spook, Jobsworth and SNEAK infested, open prison.
If you seriously think that there is any REAL economic recovery in the air then you are either a paid up member of "New" Fascist Labour, angling for a nice stipend on a Quango, or the peerage carrot has been dangled.
Sorry to appear harsh, but I have watched as my savings are rendered worthless, my pension fund wiped out, prices soaring, petrol going stratospheric, taxes crippling and that is the economic side.
The NHS despite BILLIONS hosed over it is failing those who need it most. We are suffocating in crony packed Quangos. Schools are little more than propaganda spewing daytime Holding Penitentiaries. We are being "equalized" into a terrorised and disarmed peasantry, thrown a few "benefits" while the likes of the public-schooled Harriet Harman et al, are considerably more "equal" than us.
As a once-free British Citizen, I can be criminalized for putting the wrong rubbish, MY rubbish, in the "wrong" bin, because we are in thrall to the enviro-lunatics. There are thousands of new "offences", penalties, traps, catch-alls and "tough new laws" with our DNA, fingerprints and data up for grabs from every State agency that fancies its chances. In complete contempt for Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights 1689, there are now nearly 250 agencies and an army of "special" bailiffs who can invade our homes and even assault us, while we face prosecution for having the temerity to defend ourselves. Well sorry Gordon, it's MY property and any agent of the state without a warrant who enters does so at their extreme peril, again as is my Right under Magna Carta.
Business and manufacturing in particular has been all but regulated out of existence with so many "rights" and "benefits" for employees that companies have decided that it isn't worth the carrot and either gone elsewhere or shut up shop.
My children have jobs but no thanks whatsoever to the nanny State and the appalling curriculum-lite "education" system. They did it themselves, no "benefits" and no strings-laden "handouts". My wife and I taught them what we were taught, reading, arithmetic, diction, common sense, manners and DISCIPLINE, which gave them the edge.
Please do not talk of recovery, it isn't possible while this disgusting Government Of All the TRAITORS, headed by the cowardly and dysfunctional Brown, is in place.
For all of us a GENERAL ELECTION cannot come quickly enough. How much more damage, how many more "landmines" in Brown's spiteful scorched earth policy before we can get rid of them like the political toxic waste that they are?
But please, do not talk of "recovery" until the necessary "political correction" has been made. Anything else is a false dawn, spin and lies.
As for that Election, do not think that by staying at home in "disgust" that this will work. What you will get is another term of "New" Fascist. Sorry folks, but there is only ONE option and that is a CONSERVATIVE government, who once again will have to clear up the mess and take the flak while the dregs of "New" fascist snipe from the safety of opposition.
And you can forget the shapeshifting LibDums Europhiles. Tempting that the smaller parties may be, all that will happen is that the vote will be split allowing "New" fascist Labour a possible shoo-in. It is time to wake up to the fact that socialism that has failed everywhere, has failed and will always fail and must be finally destroyed and buried in the toxic landfill of history.
Sorry about the long rant, but this ill-informed "reportage" is both delusional and dangerous, especially as there is no hope that the current corrupt crypto-Marxist junta are capable of running the UK and never were.
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